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The one where we launch our first crash course

Nour Shoukry

September 2021

Hey there guys and welcome back to our blog page. We hope that you have had a relaxed and restful summer and that you and your loved one are all well!

A new month means new celebrations and this month our new skaters of the week are Hajar and Habeeba. Congratulations to our beautiful team-mates who bring joy to every skating session!

With the new academic year fast approaching and summer sadly coming to an end, we thought of an amazing initiative to encourage more of our team-mates to improve on their skills and some newbies to also join in on the fun. What better way to bring everyone together and really embrace something new to start the new academic year with a fresh strong beginning, than with a crash course! This is exactly what we did and our first group of skaters have just embarked on a new journey with FSE. We believe that crash courses are such a great way to immerse yourself within a new community of people, try out something completely new, build your skills, and most importantly make a new friends along the way. It goes without saying that figure skating is no easy sport but with the right intentions, coaches and motivation, you become unstoppable!

However, you should hear it from our former crash course students too!

None of this could not have been made possible without the help of our superb coaching team, so Thank you: Coach Ahmed Saad, Coach Shaimaa, Coach Maryam, Coach Mahmoud, Coach Nada and Dina!

Keep your eyes peeled and turn on your post notifications as you never know when our next crash course will be. See you then!

From all of us at Figure Skating Egypt, we thank you for your continued support and as always, you can find out more about joining our team via our FAQs page on our website or by directly contacting our coach Captain Ahmad Saad.

Quote of the month:

'And suddenly, you just know it is time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings'

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